Monday, September 27, 2010

Yard Sales and more adoptions

Friday nite, I helped set up for a huge yard sale - we worked by the light of the street lamps to get everything set up - and we had tons of stuff to put out.....then early Saturday morning, off we go to do some adopting and run the yard sale. Altho we didn't do well with the adoptions, both of my little foster kitties were adopted so I guess that was a good thing.....but T talked me into taking two more home until next Saturday. So as far as the cat population, I'm still standing at too many cats! The yard sale tho did really really well. We made almost $500 for the future spaying and neutering of the dogs and cats we rescue - which will actually only pay for one load of cats and dogs. It's terribly expensive even tho we take them to a special vet who does a reduced fee for us.

Anyways, since we did so well on Saturday, we decided to run it Sunday too - and altho we didn't do quite as well, we still did almost $250. With that success, we decided to leave it all up and run it half a day today. So we did - or I should say I did as I did the entire thing today and we only made about $100 but again, it was $$ we wouldn't have had if we hadn't done this!! I think half of the success we had was we put out several tables of misc clothes and knick knacks, and books, which were sold for a $1 per WalMart interesting idea which I had not ran into before. Almost everything we had that was child related was purchased. Amazingly, we only had two people who abused the idea. One gal stuffed 2 bags full into one and then argued about the price of a 25 cent basket.....and of course, she was driving a big ole black SUV and was dressed nicely....obviously wasn't hurting or cash. Okay, that might be a tad of a observation that wasn't exactly a nice one but it did kind of bother me. After all, this was for a good cause - many other customers dropped extra cash into our donation jar.....and trust me, the stuff on the table - most of it was quite nice.....oh well.

One thing that I was amazed with was that we left EVERYTHING we had to sell without any protection each nite - covered things up of course - but nothing was stolen or vandalized!! If this had been set up in my old county in WA state, some tweeker would have taken everything or at least messed it up!! This little Ar town is such a safe place to be - amazes me.

So what does this all have to do with getting back to my roots? Well, obviously not too much LOL But it did remind me of the little town in WA that I grew up in - we never locked our doors, keys were left in ignitions, bicycles were safe and if someone needed help there were usually a whole bunch of people who would offer that help. Oh for the good ole days. Evidently they still live on in some areas.

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