Thursday, August 26, 2010

zombie movies and kittens

I believe I mentioned I help out with a local shelter/rescue right? Well, out of the 3 sets of kittens that I have helped raise, I still have a couple out of the last litter left, one is a tiny little cream colored girl who thinks she's my 'parrot'! She loves to sit on my shoulder as I type or watch tv (or as in this case, do both) and purr in my ear.

Not sure why, but tonite is a 'zombie' movie nite. Am watching 3 old ones - one was called "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" - the acting and 'special effects' were so bad I didn't finish it. No positive recommendations for that one! Next up was Zombie flesh Eaters. Hmmm, weird title - aren't all zombies flesh eaters? It wasn't great but it was watchable. Just a quick note - my standards might not be as high as yours so don't take that as a recommendation. I don't get regular tv so I watch dvds instead. the best scene was early on in the movie where a zombie was under water ( they don't have to breathe right?) and the zombie fought and bit a shark! The shark lost the fight - sorry, don't think even a zombie is going to be a match for a shark! And then, altho the shark was definitely bitten, they ignored it and went on to show plenty of zombies eating guts and their victims spurting fountains of blood. So....what happened with the shark? Did it turn into a zombie? Are there now thousands of zombie sharks and fish swimming around in the ocean? Who knows....there was a now a chance to explore new and unusual zombies and they ignored it - shame on them. LOL

Now I'm watching Dead Meat....and I believe I will get to watch zombie cows! It's set in Ireland so the scenery is pretty tho so far. Can't wait - more later! (later) Yes, zombie cows! Totally hilarious altho I don't think that was their intentions. Supposedly the cows contracted Mad Co disease and turned into zombie cows and passed it to the humans. Talk about silly~!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your weekend.
    I have 2 new little girls I have had for about 6 weeks now. The first foster mom received them from our local humane society after someone tried to drown the 3 in a plastic bag and threw them in a ditch.
    I have the 2 sisters, and the brother went to his new home a few days before I picked up the girls, they are wonderful and are getting along with my pack of old farts I have now.
    Take care and enjoy your zombie fest, lol.

